Putting Things into Perspective

Yesterday, I got the email from the HR department for the job I interviewed for in Boston a couple weeks ago that I didn’t get it. And, not going to lie, I was really bummed out. This was the second round of interviews aka in-person interview where I met with the facility managers, had a talk about the benefits, and even a tour of the facility. Things went extremely well, or so I thought, until I got the email that they chose another candidate for the position. Womp womp womp. I wanted this job, and truth be told, I felt confident I would be getting a positive response, because the interview went well, and I thought I connected with the facility mangers and we had a pleasant time talking about my background and education.

Me, being the research enthusiast, googled what to do. Laugh all you want, but I read a couple of websites where people had experienced the same thing, and stumbled upon this article in The Guardian: What to do when you don’t get the job. The internet is a wonderful resource!

And according to David Winter, consultant at the University of London’s Careers Group, one of the toughest blows a job-hunter will face. “Falling at the final hurdle can be more painful than not hearing back from an employer in the first place,” he tells me. “By this stage, you’ve invested a lot emotionally. And the more you’ve found out about the job, the more you probably want it.”

The article mentions five things you could do to make the best out of a bad situation and move on from it. I’m finding it particularly difficult to get more experience for free because I need a source of income to survive. All I can do is learn from this, keep applying for more jobs & interviewing and staying positive.